Party Rocks

Hi everyone,

I am starting a new project called Party Rocks, which is about a web page where users firstly should sign in and then could log in to share or watch party such as a disco, a bar or a party in a house (Yeah, it sounds good).

Another idea was sharing Restaurants but I decided Party because it is funnier and the aim of this project is to learn, not to become rich.

I want to apply new html5 features. For instance GeoLocation, tag Video, show pictures in a crazy way, tag Article and Section.


What’s it?

It is the art of figuring out where you are in the world and (optionally) sharing that information with people you trust (Demo here). There is more than one way to figure out where you are. I strongly recommend reading this link.

Where to implement it?

My idea is that the user logs in and clicks a button Search party which returns the nearest party where the user is in that moment.

Tag video

What’s it?

HTML5 defines a new element called <video> for embedding video in your web pages. Embedding video used to be impossible without third-party plugins such as Apple QuickTime® or Adobe Flash®. A long time ago, Steve Jobs said that Flash sucks and it would die.

Where to implement it?

When a User wants to know more about a party, he could watch a video.

Show pictures in a crazy way

What’s it and How?


Where to implement it?

It is similar to Tag video. When a User wants to know more about a party, he could watch pictures.

Tag article and Tag section

What are them?

They are new sectioning elements.

Where to implement it?

In each party, users could leave comments about it.



I am learning HTML5 and I also want to implement it in a project; similar what I have done when I learnt WP7 in Absolut project.

Yesterday I spoke with Guido Maliandi and he told me that he had created a web page where you can create projects and share ideas with different developers; the aim of this page is to learn and have fun.

We also arranged to start a new project; there are a few ideas and we are also looking for other developers who want to learn HTML5 so if you want, contact us!

See you later!

Starting learning HTML5

Hi Everyone,

First of all, I want to acknowledge Angel Lopez for added my post to his Delicious!

During this week, I decided to change the orientation of this blog due to a talk with a friend called Johnny Halife. So I am going to talk about what I most like doing and it is programming. I started learning HTML5 because I think that in the future, all developers should use it. Now, Microsoft is starting to use it (Metro Apps, and more) and in the future, I suppose, that Apple is also going to use it (Not flash).

Some useful links to start learning HTML5:

It is a book online that I’ve just started reading. I strongly recommend it because there are great examples and it is well explained

It is a short course about 8 lessons. I saw Lessons 1,2,3 and it is great!

While I was learning, I didn’t understand the difference between article and section. I saw code in different pages and they didn’t care when to use them.

Finally, I found out that section is used to structure a page like div, and article is an important part from a page that could be repeated several times. For instance, we can use an article as a comment in a post.

I also decided to change the frequency of my post. I am going to post showing my advances when I want, not twice a week.

