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Geolocation spike + Git Hub Repo

Hi guys,

Today I worked on Geolocation which is a HTML5 feature. I made three different spikes about it:

  1. A spike shows a message with the coordinates
  2. Another spike shows a Google Map with the accurate coordinates
  3. The last one monitors the location


What is a spike?

A spike needs no testing. It is dirty, incomplete, instable and it can have security failures but meets its objective: make a quick search about something to discover if it works or not.

What do I discover about Geolocation feature?

It is too easy to use. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the code.


Find here a tutorial. To develop it, I search about JQuery.

I’ve also created a repo using Git Hub. Firstly I installed Git (I strongly recommend also Install Git Extensions), and then created the repo.

If you want to join the repo, send me an E-mail!

Feedback is more than welcome!

See you later,